Jun 4, 2012

Cooking Update

I have been bad, really bad... I have slacked off and haven't posted anything for 2012. It's not like I haven't been busy, I've just being lazy when it comes to actually posting.  I started this blog with the purpose of making breakfast easy for my family and soon realize that while breakfast became easy and smooth, dinner became hell.  I was always coming to to "what are we eating for dinner?" with nothing prepped or even thought of.  So what does a desperate mother do you ask??? I turned to my mommy list serve for help.  Those women have gotten me through some rough times as a mother.

I've joined a meal swap and bought a book for helps with keeping me in check with dinner. I am by no means close to where I "want" to be in organizing my life/schedule/day but by taking baby steps, I'm praying to get there and stop driving myself insane.

With that said and much pressure from friends that are asking me what I've been up to, I am uploading pictures and brief explanation of what each consist of.

I've focused on dinner preparation, so most of these pertain to that.  All of these meal are prepped the minute I get home from the store and stored in the freezer with labels.

Double baked potatoes 

Prep for chimichangas

Sauce for teriyaki steak. Add steak and freeze

Ground beef cooked with veggies and ready for tacos and other meals

Items for pizza rolls

Add salsa or spaghetti sauce

Roll and freeze. the kids love this

Lasagna was prepped and frozen after wards in two servings

Cooking chicken for shredded chicken and broth. Kill two birds with one chicken

Have to hide the veggies from the kids

Before the meat is cooked

Reheating directions for lasagna